Monday, October 4, 2010

Introduction to Pay It Forward Toronto

My name is Michelle Jordan and yes, I'm a bit behind the times on this whole blogging thing.... but I've been thinking about doing this for a while and I decided that now is the time.

Have you ever wanted to stand up and say something to someone in public but haven't had the courage, or you have been too shy..... or quite frankly too busy or you just haven't cared enough to "stir the pot" so to speak. Well this is the time and this is your forum to stand up and share your experiences. I am just a regular gal who seems to open her mouth far too often to stand up for what she believes in and I want to know if I am the only one out there that does this or are there others out there like me who do the same thing. Sometimes it has gained me respect, other times I have lost friends over my decisions. BUT I WANT TO KNOW IF THERE ARE OTHER UPSTANDING CITIZENS OUT THERE THAT STAND UP FOR WHAT THEY BELIEVE IN......?????

I am not looking for hate stories, just stories that empower other people to act the same way. Things to consider when you are contributing to this blog.... include a) how would you want your children to act in the same situation, b) how would you protect another human being and c) how does the act align with your morales and values and how does it set an example for others around you to act?

Please feel free to contribute your stories as they happen or if they have happened in the past. I will start with one story that I am really proud of and another one that just happened to me recently.

Happy blogging people I can't wait to hear all of your stories.

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