Monday, October 4, 2010

Factual Story #2 - Bike/Car Rage

Two weeks ago I was taking my son to daycare on High Park Avenue and I see this cyclist abusing (because there is no other word to describe it) this 80 odd year old man who is sat behind the wheel of the car. The cyclist is yelling at the top of his lungs, grabbing this drivers arm, roughing him up. I quickly walked across the street as the driver pulled away.

I said to the cyclist..... "as a fellow cyclist, I understand how frustrating it can be to drive on the roads of Toronto but do you think that was a justified reaction?"

To that the cyclist responded .... "but the guy ran me off the road."

To which I said the following.... " so what the guy was like 80 years old. Shame on you I said. How is your response any better? I'm sure him driving you off the road if thats what he did was probably an accident, and for you to yell and scream and climb inside his window, in front of children and other concerned citizens is not a justified response?"

The cyclist apologized and went on with his day.

I hope he thinks long and hard about his actions, and I hope that poor old man in the car is ok.

These are the types of stories I am looking to capture. The one little thing that you said or did that makes Toronto a better place to live.

Please share.

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