Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Jamie Bell Adventure Park

WOW - first of all can you believe that Jamie Bell Adventure Park burnt down on Saturday night. How sad is that!!!! My son loves going there to play on the tire swings and climb to the top of the tower. He even loves to slide down the slide and fall into the big puddle that forms after it rains at the bottom.

But an even bigger WOW.... is that our local hero's Canadian Tire have offered $50,000 towards the repairs to fix the adventure Park up. Talk about pay it forward. Thats amazing. I am so happy that businesses like Canadian Tire are stepping up and helping the City reconstruct this Park. Its loved by so many children and even some adults too!

Good for you Can Tire. Thanks for paying it forward! What a great example you have set for being home town proud and doing activities locally. Other organizations should think about doing the same!!!!!!

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