Friday, April 1, 2011

"Being Let Go" - Devastating to the Ego

I think once in everyone's life a crushing blow comes to them when their career or job if its not a career comes crashing to an end. There's always a daunting feeling when the boss calls you into his or her office for a chat........ You know it can't be good news!!!!!

Well this recently happened to a friend of mine. She went to work - somewhere she has worked on and off for about 10 years - well as far back as I can remember. They told her that they were going to have to make her redundant - economic climate as it is. Just like that after possibly the shittiest year ever she loses her job.

Now was it a kick up the arse to move forward with her life I hope so - but in the meantime man it sucks for her. She just recently got diagnosed with Cancer - she got through that with a couple painful surgeries, a 6 month rehabilitiation period and then back to work. No sooner does she return to work - then she is let go.

I tell you - she has had some hard knocks in her lifetime but having only a $1 in your account and no sign of money on the horizon just blows. She is a girl with brains (criminal law degree from Michigan State) working a factory job because she can't get a job in Canada. Nothing seems to line up for this lady. Anyway I'll quit bitching because its probably not a good thing to carry on about and I'm sure if my gf read this she might have a slight conniption.

I remember being in a similar situation only about 4 years ago. I had recently returned from the UK, broken up with the love of my life - or so I thought, lost my job after only 5 months and then got done for a DUI (that was a terrific time in my life.... NOT). Anyway all I wished was that someone would call me, give me a job, make sure I was ok, look after me.  So last week I went out and bought a load of groceries, made a quiche and dropped $50 in my purse. I drove out to see my girlfriend and gave her all the stuff I had brought. Its the worst feeling in the entire world to not know where your next paycheck is coming from and yet so many of us live from one of those dam things to the next......

For all those people out there who have an extra $5 or $50 or even more laying around.... Think about the people around you and who could benefit from that. I look at people like Richard Branson who just paid an undisclosed amount for the "planet/ not planet Pluto" in the hopes that he can reinstate it as a planet. Come on guy .... seriously don't you have anything better to spend your money on - because if you don't want to spend it, I sure could for you.... and I have plenty of causes I would love to splash out on.

So think about it next time. A friend in need is a friend indeed - or something like that anyway!

Have a great week peeps.